The Department of Transfusion Medicine at BNC Hospital & Research Centre provides clinical services to support patients in need of blood component therapy, cellular therapy, therapeutic apheresis, and specialized laboratory diagnostics. In addition, it collects and prepares the blood components and cellular therapy products used in patient care at BNC Hospital & Research Centre.
Just like any other treatment, blood transfusion is a life-saving therapy and needs to be ordered and administered with a lot of precision. The process of transfusion starts with considering donors where a check is run on whether it's safe for someone to make donations and also if it's safe for the patient to receive that donation. Once this is administered properly, the next step involves the collection of blood which undergoes a series of procedures like compatibility testing, infectious disease testing, etc. Finally, the last part of the whole transfusion process involves considering recipients which includes various checks like effective identification of unit and patient, blood-appropriateness, unit administration, recipient evaluation, etc.
While blood collection is a fundamental part of our organization's purpose, providing safe blood products to hospitals, andultimately patients in need, is our primary goal. The hallmarks of our services are rapid turnaround coupled with expert diagnostic, consultative, and educational support for patients and physicians. By working closely with our health care provider partners to establish standards for transfusion decisions, we ensure that all patients receive the proper type and dosage of transfusion products.